

vanessa is big on lists. always has a list. she says it's the only way she can remember to do things. so we sat down the other day and started a california list. the idea of the list is that it lets you visualize all that needs doing and lets you budget your time accordingly. instead, our california list just freaked me out.

there is so incredibly much that we need to do before we can even begin to think about moving: giving notice at our jobs, quit our jobs, move out of my place, move out of her place, sell (or rent) her place(!), find movers, sell one of our cars, get the other one to california, go to europe (yeah, we got a 10-day jaunt around england planned for mid june. and she has to go to italy for another ten days to attend a workshop/conference/wine tasting something or other with robots and computers. this happens one week before she starts at google). and so much more. so we looked at our list and decided we'd better get moving else we'll never be ready to get outta here. so this weekend we're having a condiment party. come to vanessa's, bring something you like to put condiments on (not restricted to food), and help us finish her condiments/drink the rest of her alcohol. oh yeah, and bring your checkbook. that fine oak finished dining room table with the tile inlay can be yours for only $400.


Chris Grant said...

I'll give you $25 for it.

Chris Grant said...

But you gotta deliver it.

k2 said...

I'll trade you a foosball table for it.

I've always wanted to eat dinner off of a table.

Fraggle said...

wine-tasting robots? that's just a waste. I wine taste for free and far less assembly cost.