uh. yeah. i guess that falls in the "absolutely necessary" category. not real sure how that happened. the person responsible for this nonfeasance will get a good stern talking to.
Jamo and Vanessa's california list apparently doesn't include "finding a house to live in, in california." I guess that's on my list.
at first i was really scared about finding a place to live out there, but vanessa and i have been looking at craigslist on a daily basis over the past week or so and have found no shortage of really sweet-looking places in amazing locations (i don't know much about san fran area, but it seems like throwing at dart at a map of the city earns you an 80 percent chance of hitting a great neighborhood to live in). and despite the horror stories swirling around bay area affordability it seems like lots of these places are actually reasonable; especially if we share rooms.
so even though we were turned down for our first choice -- a seven-bedroom beaut mere blocks away from nightlife and stumbling distance from a hospital or two (could come in handy) -- i have unsurpassable faith we'll find a place that will make us very, very happy.
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