
Travel Curse

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my travel curse, I will recap my travel from 2007.

(1) From: Baltimore
To: San Jose, CA (For Google interview)
Carrier: American Airlines
Intended Arrival Time: Evening of April 26th

What actually happened: Flight was canceled. My interview was at 10am the next morning. Most agents told me that I would not make the interview. Then, I found an agent that said I could make it.

Actual Arrival Time: April 27th, 3am

Return flight was without incident.

(2) From: Baltimore
To: Manchester, England
Via: Philadelphia
Carrier: US Airways
Intended Arrival Time: June 15th, 8:30am

What actually happened: Flight from Baltimore to Philadelphia was canceled. Jamo and I took a cab to Philadelphia to try and make the connecting flight, but we still missed it. We were rescheduled for a route via Brussels, and stayed the night in Philadelphia. There were delays due to mechanical issues in Brussels.

Actual Arrival Time: June 16th, 5:30pm

Return flight was without incident.

(3) From: Baltimore
To: Catania, Sicily, Italy
Via: Rome, Italy and Newark, New Jersey
Carrier: Continental
Intended Arrival Time: July 7th, 3:50pm

What actually happened: I arrived, but my luggage did not. On July 9th, I received an update that my luggage was in New York. I received my luggage on the evening of July 11th (I left Baltimore on July 6th).

Actual Arrival Time: Amazingly, on time.

From: Catania, Sicily, Italy
To: Baltimore
Via: Rome, Italy and Newark, New Jersey
Carrier: Continental
Intended Arrival Time: July 15th, 8:57pm

What actually happened: They canceled the flight from Newark to Baltimore, after I had already left Rome.

Actual Arrival Time: July 16th, 2:30pm

(4) From: DC
To: San Francisco
Via: Atlanta
Carrier: AirTran
Intended Arrival Time: July 18th, 11:39pm

What actually happened: I am currently in the airport in DC. My flight was supposed to leave half an hour ago, but is now not due to leave for another 40 minutes. It's supposed to arrive in Atlanta at 9:30pm, the exact time that my flight is due to take off from Atlanta to San Francisco.

Actual Arrival Time: TBD

Consider this post a warning to all about traveling with me in the future. I think I am airport and airline kryptonite.